Sunday, March 25, 2007

Our Favorite Day of the Week

Sota chasing a stick down the river. She gave up eventually!

Just The Two of Us!

Sunday's have truly become one of our most favorite days of the week and this Sunday was no exception. This past week was a busy one for the two of us. David had the awesome opportunity to oversee a group who chose to spend their college spring break working on the Teen Challenge Men's Center in Terre Haute, IN. The group was from Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio and they were amazing. They were such a blessing to have at the center and the work that they did there is so appreciated. I got to spend one day with them, but as many of you know my heart would have been to be with my husband and this team for the entire 4 days that they were here.

It was a challenging week for me as I continue to work with the Department of Child Services, the families that I work with and the sad scenarios that are ran by me are emotionally draining and becoming way too common of an occurrence, in my book! I was so relieved when David came home on Thursday, there is just a peace that surrounded me when he was back home, I don't know how our Soldier's families live day after day without their loved ones at home with them. My home just didn't feel like home with out both of us here.
I also had a Tastefully Simple Party this past Tuesday evening, and then David helped me put on an Open House at our Apartment Complex Saturday morning, he is so good to me! Needless to say we were excited for Saturday afternoon to roll around to just have some down time. David took a couple naps throughout the afternoon and swore that he could have slept all day if I would have let him. We were blessed to have been able to spend some of our evening with our friends Sara and JC who are expecting their first little one in just about a week!

And then we have Sunday...This morning we attended our Sunday morning church service at Eagle Creek Assembly of God and were both completely touched and rejuvenated emotionally and spiritually. We ran in to an old friend who visited our church this morning which was great.

After lunch we went to another park in Carmel to walk Sota and explore God's beautiful creation. Sunday has become our ultimate family day, church in the morning, lunch, and a great afternoon with our little girl Sota at various parks. We usually play a game or watch a movie, and then of course we are committed Home Extreme Makeover watchers, this show always puts a tear in my eye which David continues to be amazed by, he thinks it is so funny that I get so emotionally worked up over something I am watching or reading. We also have to see who Mr. Trump chooses to fire on the Apprentice which comes on Sunday evenings as well. We usually read or work on our blog before we call it a night. The only bad thing about our Sunday routine is that when it ends the week begins and we have to wait 7 more days to get back to our most favorite day! We hope that all of you enjoyed your Sunday as much as we always enjoy ours. We hope that you enjoy the pictures from our day at the park.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Our Newest Cousin!

For those of you who are not privileged enough to have received over 500 e-mails last year with pictures of this little guy, here he is! Joseph Giles. My Uncle Jerry and his wife, LeiAnn live in Hawaii. As you can see, he is already turning into a little surfer dude!
He is too cool for words, just hanging out on the beach.
Although we have not yet been able to meet him, we see him daily through pictures and have been able to watch him grow over the past year.
Happy Birthday Joseph! Wish we were there with all of you.

Our Sunday Adventure

That's our little girl! She was so excited to finally get out and about. On Sunday morning Kari and I headed up to Anderson, Indiana to Mounds State Park. Sota was in heaven. She couldn't hardly keep up with all of the smells at the park. The only reason we got this photo was because she was so exhausted. We all had a great time. Kari also got a little over stimulated and decided to climb a tree. I told her to get all the way up on that branch to the left but she wasn't that brave.
Mounds State Park has the white river running through it so we walked along the river for quite a while and then hiked up the hill and walked along side it about 200 feet up. It was beautiful. We walked for about 1 and 1/2 hours. It felt good.