Monday, September 29, 2008

I'm a Cereal Eatin' Little Girl!

Well I'm just about 4 months old and mommy and daddy said I could try cereal. I got a pretty cool new chair to sit in at the table and some new bowls and spoons. Cereal isn't quite my favorite thing yet, but it's different than the same old formula so I just sit there and did not complain one bit while they kept trying to shovel that stuff in. I haven't really learned how to swallow it yet, but hopefully I will soon. It was super messy so I got to take a bath right afterwards. Here are a few pictures to share with you.


Sunday evenings in my family are what we call Family Night. We usually use this time to set goals, talk about our week and do some sort of activity together. This past Sunday after spending an hour or so at the Corey Apple Festival we decided to go see the new Christian Movie: Fireproof. Originally David and I were planning on going to see it as a date, but I thought that it would be really good for the girls to see the movie as well. As my own marriage has been in a continuous state of change this movie ended up being very inspirational to me and my husband. The movie introduces this challenge called THE LOVE DARE, and it last for 40 days, David and I both have a copy of the 40 Day Journal, and are very excited about participating in the challenge. I encourage everyone to not only see the movie but to buy the book and begin applying the principles to your own marriage and see what happens.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Beautiful Girl

I promise I am not a porcelain doll, but boy do I look like one in this picture. My mommy says she just loves my eyes and just can't get enough of them. She says they are the most beautiful eyes she has ever seen and she could look at them all day. Well I just wanted to share this picture with everyone, my mommy entered it into a photo contest.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My Precious Pearl

Here is the Little Love of My Life at 3 months old. Although she is still only weighing in around 12 lbs, she is getting so big. She is finally wearing 0-3 months!!! I thought we would never get there. She has the cutest double chin and the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Her smile can light up the whole room. We are hoping for that belly laugh real soon, but she just can't get it out even though she tries super hard. She loves bath time and books and will listen to you sing and talk to her for hours. She is becoming more active and is starting to play. I can't believe that next Sunday my little baby girl is going to be 4 months old and that she will get to eat cereal for the first time! Oh the things you look forward too with a little one.

Our Family is Complete...for now!

Well as most of you know we had been anxiously awaiting the arrival of Nicole's sister Kathryn for some time now. After overcoming a few obstacles and a whole lot of drama Kathryn finally came to live with us on September 5th. Kathryn is 16 years old and in the 10th grade. As you can imagine we have been busy with yet another new addition, but it's been great thus far. Kathryn is really new in her faith and is super excited about getting involved and building a relationship with Christ. This has been so encouraging to David and I as it seems we have been in a drought for some time now. But it's really hard to stay in that place when you see a young one so excited and eager to learn, and because of our position we have kind of taken the role of teacher. It's fun to see the girls together. And although Nicole has to learn what it means to share all over again, I don't think she would change a thing. The girls are as opposite as they come. Kathryn is super outgoing, blunt and spunky, whereas most of you know how quiet Nicole can be. The girls are both at South High School this year and loving it...and of course I am loving that they are at South so I can have sporting events to go to again...Well I think that's it for now....Hopefully it won't be too long before I post again.