Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Well I am happy to announce that we are back in touch with technology. David and I are finally settling in to our new home where we had been without cable, phone, and internet for almost a month now. We have been so busy painting and getting our house in order and I must say that it is finally coming along. It looks so different then the day we walked in to it. I can't wait for all of our friends and family to visit with us in our new home. We should have so many things to update you on since we last posted on the blog, but it would be way too much to go back and recap, so lets stick with the basics: David and I celebrated our 1 year anniversary! We ventured out to Rockome Gardens in Illnois for a day, it was nice but we had so many things running through our minds about what needed to be done at the house, that we cut our day trip short and headed back for some more painting. I have been blessed with a great job, and yes it was the one I wanted. My schedule is great and my days go by so quickly, my co-workers have been super nice and are helping me learn all the specifics of the job. David has been working nights at the Staples Distribution Center, there are both positives and negatives about his new job. The actual job has been pretty good for him, and there is a week every month where he has 7 days off in a row, but we just experienced his one week a month where he worked six days in a row, so it seems like we haven't had a whole lot of time together especially with how busy we have been with the house. For those of you who are in town I am having a Tastefully Simple Fall Open House at our new house on October 8, 2007 from 5-9:00 pm, let me know if you are interested and I will get you some more information. I guess that is it in a nutshell. Enjoy looking at our new home!