Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I know you have been wondering where we have been...

Okay, I admit it we really have been slackers with the whole blog thing, but you must understand that David and I have very little computer time now that a teenager is in our home :) Between Myspace, ITunes and Instant Messenger, David and I are lucky if we get to check our email once a day. I will do my best to bring you all up to speed with words, and then David will have to post some pictures for you all to see.

I guess we could start with Pregnancy...Not much has changed, I am still not a fan of being pregnant, I am well in to my 5th month and yep still getting sick. It has eased some which is nice, but none the less vomiting, heartburn, headaches, backaches and the stuffiest nose you could ever have are definitely not on my list of fun things to experience for 5 consecutive months.

I am starting to grow as you can imagine, David seems to think my stomach changes every day, I don't seem to notice it as much as he does. Although I have only gained 5 pounds in 5 months I do still notice every new stretch mark that appears and I am not liking it at all. So far that cocoa butter lotion has not made much of a difference. David has been taking weekly pictures of me to document the change.

Week 20

Week 21

Week 22

We did have our first full sonogram on 2/8/2008. To most this would be when you would find out if it was a boy or a girl, but I really want the surprise of finding out the day he or she is born. There are a lot of speculations, my family really thinks that it is a boy but David and his mom are still holding on to the thought that it is a little girl. I really have no feelings or inklings either way. We did find out that our baby weighed around 14 oz. and that our due date is still June 22, 2008. The sonogram pictures were not as clear as I was hoping, but I can see the head and some little hands up by it's face in one of them, which has become my favorite picture.
I am starting to feel that little one inside of me which has been fun, kind of weird at first but now if I don't feel anything for awhile I am begging for him or her to move. The Doctor said just a few more weeks and I will be feeling the baby all of the time. David has not been able to feel him or her from the outside yet which he is so anxiously awaiting.

Week 23

I have been bummed that I haven't been able to work on the babys room as much as I would have liked but my husband is doing a great job. He has been painting away, hanging curtains and putting the baby's crib together. Now all we need is some pictures, a rocking chair and a dresser or chest of some sort and the room will be ready and waiting for that little one to arrive. Well this is a rather long post so I am going to close for now, but there are a few more things we could update you on and we will soon, I promise!