Monday, July 21, 2008

Anyone need some veggies??

Well go ahead and put in your order...we have more vegetables and herbs than we know what to do with. We have every type of tomato you can imagine, plus fresh rosemary, pepermint, basil and thyme, several types of peppers, zucchini, cucumbers and green beans. David is a pretty proud gardener!

Our Little Emma

Well she is just now around 8 lbs or so and about 20 inches along. She's just a little thing. It is hard to believe that she is almost 2 months old. She looks like a sweet little angel in this picture, but she definitely has a set of lungs. She's a little fussy at times which is challenging when you don't always know what to do to comfort her, but we love her to death what can we say she's our little girl!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Our Last Month in Pictures

Time sure does go by so fast...our little girl is already 5 weeks old. We really should have done a better job at keeping our blog updated. When you miss a few weeks it is so hard to pick what things to go back and talk about so for now I will just catch things up with pictures and captions and will try to do a better job at updating in the future.

Emma's First Bath in her Rainforest Bath Tub!

Kathryn, Nicole and Little Emma Pearl

Kathryn and Nicole
Daddy's art work on Photo Shop

Emma is finally wearing newborn clothes! No more preemie clothes...yea!!

Her poor face...that was the look she gave us when she got home from getting her first shot at the Doctor's office. Below is her sleeping after her rough morning.

Emma and Daddy lounging on the couch..something they seem to do so well.

Mommy and her Little Love!

Emma's Open House! Thanks everyone for coming to meet our little Sweet Pea! We loved all of the visitors and appreciate the great gifts.